Learning Together
Oak Harbor Christian School provides a high quality, Christ-centered education that equips students both academically and spiritually. Our curriculum incorporates biblical principles and promotes academic excellence!
With core subjects like language arts, math, science, history, and Bible, our students find themselves equipped with a full set of tools to help them learn and grow together. We use proven curricula like Bob Jones University Press, Saxon Math, and Christian Schools International to facilitate and support the amazing work of our teachers. Middle school students also take Logic and Spanish, among other enrichment courses.
In addition to rigorous academics, we nurture students' faith through daily Bible lessons and weekly chapels/worship gatherings! In addition, teachers integrate biblical worldviews in the classroom as appropriate. We offer small class sizes for individualized attention. Our dedicated teachers encourage academic growth, character development, and Christian service. Our goal is to develop the whole child to glorify God!
With core subjects like language arts, math, science, history, and Bible, our students find themselves equipped with a full set of tools to help them learn and grow together. We use proven curricula like Bob Jones University Press, Saxon Math, and Christian Schools International to facilitate and support the amazing work of our teachers. Middle school students also take Logic and Spanish, among other enrichment courses.
In addition to rigorous academics, we nurture students' faith through daily Bible lessons and weekly chapels/worship gatherings! In addition, teachers integrate biblical worldviews in the classroom as appropriate. We offer small class sizes for individualized attention. Our dedicated teachers encourage academic growth, character development, and Christian service. Our goal is to develop the whole child to glorify God!
Curriculum-Specific Information
Elementary School
Language Arts Reading, Writing, Grammar, Handwriting & Spelling
Bob Jones University Press
Bob Jones University Press
The BJU Press’s English elementary connects skills in writing, mechanics, listening, speaking, and viewing to provide students with a solid English language arts foundation. Students study one part of speech at a time, mastering English conventions through spiral review and regular practice of each skill. Proofreading activities give students practice in analyzing sentences, identifying grammatical errors, and correcting errors within the context of writing. Students follow the writing process to write opinion pieces, informational texts, and narratives. Teacher modeling and student collaboration help students develop their craft as they write in various genres for real-world contexts.
Bob Jones University Press
Bob Jones University Press
The BJU Press elementary science program begins the process of teaching students how to use scientific knowledge throughout their lives. Science is far more than a collection of facts. Students can use the knowledge and skills they learn in science classes to change our world and improve it for others. Our program begins by shaping a biblical worldview of science for students so that they can develop a good foundation for science learning, starting from Creation. They will get to engage in solving real-world problems so that they can see what they are capable of accomplishing as image-bearers of God. They will learn how to follow scientific methods, use models, and interpret and apply scientific knowledge through the lens of biblical teaching. Because of the worldview claims that fill modern science, Christian students must learn how to evaluate the information they encounter. We are dedicated to making science useful to students so that they can apply it to their lives for the glory of God
Bible (K-5th Grade)
Christian Schools International
Christian Schools International
Walking With God and His People is designed to study the Bible in depth, including instruction on the use of tools such as footnotes, maps, and concordances. Students learn about the Bible itself—its history and structure—as well as its overarching themes and storylines. They also learn how to use the Bible appropriately in order to understand God’s will and shape their own lives.
Saxon Math
Saxon Math
To master mathematics, students need to build on prior learning—what new concepts they can learn depends on which concepts they already know. Saxon Math™ provides a learning structure proven to advance students steadily and assuredly to higher levels of understanding. In Saxon Math, concepts from every math strand are woven together and connected throughout the year. Skills or concepts are reinforced throughout the years, helping students build a strong foundation of understanding. While other math curricula ask students to progress from simple to complex concepts in just a few weeks, Saxon Math scaffolds instruction of each concept and continues to review information introduced earlier. This allows students the time and practice to retain math concepts to the level of mastery.
Well-Trained Mind Press
Well-Trained Mind Press
The Story of the World is the engaging, award-winning series that has been making students fall in love with history for over twenty years. Suitable for early and middle grades, it covers the sweep of human history through time and place, giving students the background needed to gain meaning from the past. The Story of the World makes it easy to both learn and love history!
Middle School
Language Arts Reading, Writing, Grammar, Handwriting & Spelling
Bob Jones University Press
Bob Jones University Press
BJU Press middle-school writing and grammar product line systematically reviews and applies English grammar conventions to the real world. The practice of writing—using grammar to craft clear and effective communication—is essential for helping students to understand, analyze, and craft an argument. Students also need to develop effective research and study skills that will enable them to manage large assignments and to find relevant and useful information. We have given teachers the tools to help their students craft effective written and oral communication that engages with and contributes to culture. To accomplish our vision for students, we have laid out a series of goals for our program, activities, and teaching strategies.
Bob Jones University Press
Bob Jones University Press
The BJU Press middle and high school science program uses a lab-based approach to equip students to ethically engage in the work of science. Our program teaches science content from an ethical perspective based on a biblical worldview and explores what science can do through strategic modeling in inquiry labs and collaborative STEM experiences. We then direct students to use their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to develop workable models that will help them find appropriate solutions. To that end, each chapter includes opportunities for extended study that will challenge students to harness and develop their scientific understanding and laboratory skills to serve God and to serve others. They will complete case studies, evaluate existing scientific models, and follow web-quests that will require them to collect and analyze data. Ultimately, we want to equip teachers so that they can prepare a generation of student scientists who can use 21st century skills to solve real-world problems within the framework of a biblical worldview and who live in a way that’s biblically faithful.
Bob Jones University Press
Bob Jones University Press
With the continuing influence of secularism on Christian thought, the formal Bible class within a Christian school can help shape students, families, and future church leaders who know their Bible and can apply biblical principles appropriately and faithfully to the issues of life today. While the family and the local church are central in the New Testament plan, Christian education can support both of those institutions with a structured, intentional, and practical study through the Bible. A general, moralistic approach to teaching Bible isn’t an option. Christian educators need a grade-level appropriate program that approaches Bible study with the same academic rigor as they use to approach science, history, and every other academic discipline. Throughout the BJU Press middle school and high school Bible program, students will explore and develop skills for Bible literacy and study. In learning these skills and Bible doctrines, they will consistently be asked to make applications to their lives and other real-life situations. Students will also learn to communicate their beliefs to others. Ultimately, this Bible program leads students to love God and serve others.
Saxon Math
Saxon Math
To master mathematics, students need to build on prior learning—what new concepts they can learn depends on which concepts they already know. Saxon Math™ provides a learning structure proven to advance students steadily and assuredly to higher levels of understanding. In Saxon Math, concepts from every math strand are woven together and connected throughout the year. Skills or concepts are reinforced throughout the years, helping students build a strong foundation of understanding. While other math curricula ask students to progress from simple to complex concepts in just a few weeks, Saxon Math scaffolds instruction of each concept and continues to review information introduced earlier. This allows students the time and practice to retain math concepts to the level of mastery.
The Story of the World is the engaging, award-winning series that has been making students fall in love with history for over twenty years. Suitable for early and middle grades, it covers the sweep of human history through time and place, giving students the background needed to gain meaning from the past. The Story of the World makes it easy to both learn and love history!